The Art of Getting Uncomfortable


We all have heard about comfort zones.

Comfort zones are that sweet spot where we excel. They are warm and cozy. They feel good. They are familiar. They don’t '“shake the table”. But one thing that won’t happen in a comfort zone? Growth.

I’ve had to embrace a few uncomfortable moments in the last few years.

Going on a road trip in Arizona by myself? Uncomfortable.

Quitting my cushy 9-5 job with great pay with no backup plan? Uncomfortable.

Giving up my apartment to move back home temporarily? Uncomfortable.

Traveling across the world by myself? Uncomfortable.

Living for months in a country where I don’t speak the language? Uncomfortable.

Having to turn down trips with friends I would normally go on due to my shifting financial priorities? Uncomfortable.

Navigating new health challenges personally and with family? Uncomfortable.

Getting vulnerable to start a blog? Uncomfortable.

All of these things felt DAUNTING when they first happened. Even the thought was enough to make me revert and want to run the opposite way. But I am so happy I pushed through because growth awaited on the other side.

I used to think courage was something other people had. I felt like oh, they can do that big scary thing because they are braver than me. I couldn’t do that! Only for me to realize, they don’t possess anything extra that I don’t.

They just acknowledged those feelings and pushed through them anyway. They didn’t let it stop them.

The fear doesn’t go away, but the more you face your fears, the more your confidence grows.

And now after pushing through MANY scary things, I have the track record to remind myself I’ve gotten through a scary thing before, so I can do it again.

So I am embracing the discomfort and welcoming the change.

Amazing things await on the other side! How are you embracing the uncomfortable?


You can do hard things.

The Road Trip That Changed My Life.


Lessons from the siesta in Spain