“Brown and Happy” Reflections from Rome…

Overlooking the city of Rome.


Rome was my first stop on my sabbatical and my first international solo destination. Below I documented my real time thoughts after landing with some current day reflections dispersed throughout.

I made it to Rome! Wow. Even with moving out of my apartment, leaving my job and everything in between, I have been so excited and energized. My flight left at 6pm EST on Thursday and I arrived in Rome at 7:55am on Friday morning. As soon as we could stand up, I checked to see if the e-sim I bought for my phone worked and of course it didn’t so I thought either I just go straight to my Airbnb or find a sim card. I needed cell service to get to my airbnb so that made the decision easy! Customs was easy compared to coming back through America. They just looked at my passport and that was it LOL.

I went straight to the ticket machine and bought a ticket for the Leonardo Express train into the Rome terminal where my Airbnb host told me to go. I couldn't understand what it said but I remember reading online the ticket cost 14 euros so i got the option that said 14 and turns out I was right. 

I walked towards the train station and saw the store where you could buy sim cards. I had previously read a blog that explained the options at the airport and took a picture of it which is how I recognized it. I bought a traveler's sim card from Tim for $35 euros. It gave me about 5GB and 200 minutes to call. This also meant that I cant use my American number.

I bought that quickly and walked to the train. I had to stop to ask the agent if I was on the right station and she confirmed.

I walked to the station with all of my stuff! Whew. (future reminder: Pack lighter!)

Got on the train and was surprised by all I had just done in a matter of about 30 minutes lol. I managed to find a seat across from this couple who looked quite comfy and like they had done this before. I was taking notes, haha, I had to put my luggage on top of the seats and I was tired. 

The train ride was about 40 minutes. From there, we got off at the main Rome station. Having lived in DC, I know how these train stations are and how hectic they can be, but this station was probably a step up since I couldn’t understand the language.

I immediately went to get a ticket and there was a long line. The machine only took euros. There was a lady at the station helping people and then the police came and screamed at her and I realized she was likely helping and then asking for money which I had heard was a scam. Luckily, I figured out how to get my ticket with no help!

My Airbnb host had told me how to get to his Airbnb and which train to take. Luckily his Airbnb was only a few stops from the main Rome terminal in a quieter area.

I got to the station and realized there was no elevator and I had to carry all my things…..

I walked up and realized his building was right above the station which was convenient. He met me at the apartment. The apartment was just like the pictures. Very pretty and had a nice balcony. He offered me water and told me about the area. We had an interesting conversation where he asked me about politics in America (Yikes!) He said that America used to be a place he felt was a great country but now it was in serious decline. (I couldn’t really argue that point.)

There was one point when we were standing on the balcony and my stomach dropped. My inner voice started panicking…

I’m really in Italy. I really did this! Then all of a sudden I thought again...Wait..I’m really in Italy...I really did this! What am I doing?? Months of planning, budgeting, purging, unlearning, selling, packing and so much more had got me here. Now what?

I was in a new country, new city, ALONE , and didn’t know the language or anyone here. The thought at that very moment was SO overwhelming. But that launched a very important lesson that I held throughout my journey.

The lesson? Listen to the scary thought, feel the feeling and keep moving anyway. I felt overwhelmed but this was just a feeling, it didn’t have to be my reality. I can let that feeling overpower me or I can recognize it and embrace it and choose another thought. Yes this is overwhelming, but I am capable of doing overwhelming things and this experience will be worth it.

I snapped out of my inner voice dialogue and back to the present moment. My Airbnb host announced he was leaving and to follow up with any questions I may have during the duration of my stay.

On my balcony of my Airbnb in Rome.

I was so tired and jet lagged. I did not sleep on the plane and had just jumped ahead 6 hours. I gave myself permission to rest and unwind for this day. I walked around the neighborhood looking for food and I quickly realized I was going to have to bulk up on my Italian. I walked in one place and walked right back out because I didn't understand the language LOL. I knew I would have to boss up and figure this out!

I eventually found a sandwich and chips from a store nearby and went to my airbnb and went to sleep. 

The next morning I woke up for my free walking tour. The walking tours were a nice way to meet people. I met people from Cape Town, Malaysia and all over Europe. I was so fascinated with meeting people from all over the globe. Rome was also really pretty! I also had another walking tour that evening that showed me a different part of the city. That night I decided I wanted to get some pictures taken so I booked a photographer I found on Airbnb who agreed to take pictures of me in the city the next morning. 

We met at 7am at the Trevi Fountain. This was the ideal time to get pictures before it became too crowded. My photographer didn’t speak much English (and I would not expect him too) which became somewhat of a fun challenge. I knew basic greetings in Italian and he knew basic greetings in English. We used google translate to talk about the harder things. I learned he was a photographer, a chef and a dancer! We had more in common than we thought. The photoshoot was so fun and I’m so glad I decided to document that first weekend of my trip!

My photographer Carlo and I during my photoshoot.

After the photoshoot,I had one more full day in Rome and I was so excited to explore everything it has to offer before my destination which would be my home base for the month…..Florence. =)

I decided to walk to the Colosseum…because why not?? (Later I realized this day became the day where I’ve walked the most steps EVER in a day lol) Once I arrived, I learned another lesson. Book the BIG things in advance. I’m not sure why I thought I could just roll up to a world wonder without booking a tour ahead of time but I was humbled that day. The line was probably hours long and I didn’t have the patience to stay so I figured just walking around the outside and taking pictures would suffice.

I stood outside on a ledge taking selfies just happy to be there! haha. A few moments later, a man comes up to me and he has a hand full of bracelets. I had read about this online as well. Many people stand outside of the Colosseum pretending to offer bracelets for free. They will place it on your wrist and then expect for you to pay. I was already hip to the game he was about to play…or so I thought.

“Hey! You’re brown like me”, the man says as he sticks his arm out to mine to show the similarities. “Where are you from?”, he continues. I smile and say “Yes, I am! I am from the United States.” He seems kinds of perplexed by my response and says “Really?? That’s cool!” We continue the conversation and I learn he is from Senegal. We talk about my desire to visit the African continent and what his life is like in Rome. We are wrapping up the convo and he offers a bracelet. Remembering the warnings I got, I politely declined. He thanks me for the conversation and walks off.

About 30 seconds later, he comes back and says…“No…I can see you’re happy. Take a bracelet.” I say “You’re sure?” and he says yes and proceeds to tie the bracelet around my wrist, wishes me well on my journey and walks away again.

It was in the moment I realized I really WAS happy and it was obvious in my interactions.

I truly was so happy and proud of myself for making this trip happen and giving myself this DREAM experience. I didn’t know how it would completely alter my life and my way of thinking moving forward.

It was only the. beginning…

So here’s to being brown and happy and following your dreams.


Lessons from the siesta in Spain