What is a liberated life?


By definition, liberation means ‘the act of setting someone free from imprisonment, slavery, or oppression; release.”

What I’ve come to realize is, liberation looks different for everyone and there is not one way to be “liberated”. Ultimately it comes down to what makes you feel good, what makes you feel free and what makes you feel like you are living in alignment with the life you feel you were destined for by God.

I began this journey of curating a life of freedom 3 years ago. At that time, my life looked pretty good on paper and many boxes were checked. I had a nice apartment in DC and a really good job with good pay.

Honestly, I was living in an answered prayer. But that was a time when I learned you have to be intentional and specific in your prayers. 

What are all the “things' when there is no fulfilment, no real purpose, no shared community. I had a comfortable and ordinary life but I knew God had called me to be more than ordinary. I felt a stronger calling over my life and knew I needed to pivot. I yearned for adventure and new experiences and exploring what the world has to offer. I wanted to fully live up to my potential and experience all of the great things one can in a lifetime.

In September of 2022, I left that really great job, and really great pay and really nice apartment to set out on a new adventure. It was scary, exhilarating and terrifying all in one. Is that liberating or crazy? Well, I guess it depends on who you ask. But for me, it’s been a mix of both that has tested me in all the best and worst ways possible.

It’s been a journey of extreme highs and lows as comes with any new endeavor, but one thing I know for sure is that I’m on the right path. I’m excited to keep living in a way that feels authentic to me as I discover what that even looks like.

I wanted to start this blog as an outlet for my findings. A place to share the good and bad of the journey and all of the fun experiences I never imagined I would be having. I welcome you to follow me on this journey and challenge you to ask yourself this question as well.

What makes a liberated life? Let’s find out together. 


My Essential Packing List for Lagos, Nigeria


Visiting the Ancestral Slave River Site in Ghana